Monday, March 31, 2008

Get Free® in April - Save Young Black Girls

The official beginning of the Get Free® Girls Movement is here!!! For those who missed it before, the Get Free® movement is an outcome of my discomfort with the knowledge that young black girls (ages 13-15) in the U.S. are being infected at alarming rates with HIV/AIDS.

In my quest to discover the roots of this phenomenon, I did some
research and found some startling statistics (in another blog) about the role that poor mental health, a disgruntled environment, and a different set of social norms, plays in the risky behaviors that lead to HIV/AIDS. We often criticize young black girls for behavior we do not understand, and often do not attempt to comprehend what causes/caused the behavior. Let's make a commitment to help before judging.

Pink and purple ribbons symbolize this Movement. Pink is the universal
color for girls and purple is well known as a color of royalty - it signifies the need to return our young Queens to their rightful throne of honor -- for their bodies, their minds.

During the month of April, I am offering pink and purple ribbons to all who request them (and forcing them on those who don't) in an effort to encourage each of you to PLEASE keep this movement alive. Please wear your pin upon receiving it as often as possible.

Talk about this issue with everyone you know. Find a young lady in your neighborhood and show her some Love. Volunteer at schools and community centers. Send blogs about this movement, sing about it, write about it. Encourage others to spread the word and the Love. We must act as our own social media on this issue, with the dilligence that you send those urban legend emails, send this to twice as many people.

Below is a list of short- and long-term goals for the movement, and statistical data on suicide rates and HIV/AIDS among African American adolescent girls to arm you with some initial knowledge to begin intelligent dialogue. Please spread the word about the alarming rates of HIV/AIDS among young black girls in AMERICA.

Get Free® is a grassroots revolution established to accomplish the following:

• generate awareness about the shameful HIV/AIDS rates among young Black girls;
• instigate a mindset of discomfort with the current situation among community leaders, health care professionals and OURSELVES;
• encourage open dialogue about the problem of poor mental and physical health among African American teen girls
• cause an overwhelming need to conduct open-minded and extensive research on the effects of mental health on black youth sexual risk behavior and how this correlates to the alarming increase in HIV/AIDS;
among young black girls
• work with psychological/counseling professionals to establish credible, industry accepted assessment and intervention techniques;
• work with psychological/counseling professionals to develop unbiased standards of practice for psychological assessment and treatment with an understanding of the distinct social, environmental, and cultural nuances within this group;
• encourage the medical community to continue HIV/AIDS research and aggressively work to FIND A CURE!

WE have the POWER to save our Queens and Our Future.

For more information on how to become involved in Get Free®, receive more statistical information, or to request a pink and purple lapel ribbon, send an email to or visit

Sponsored by One Woman With A Dream, LLC.